Friday, July 17, 2009

Solution - Credit Card Companies???

So I have fallen into the trap that I complain every person who talks politics falls into. I have just been complaining, I like to think of myself as an "ideas" guy or a "solutions" guy, but all I have done is gripe. So finally I will give some solutions that I believe will solve what I have been complaining about most, which is healthcare. If you know me or have been reading this blog you will know I am a huge proponent of private industry...I believe in order to retain the types of freedom and lives that we love so much right now is to keep government out and leave it to the private sector which I have a couple suggestions.

Here are the problems
Rising Costs
The Uninsured
Exclusionary Practices

So those major problems which have plagued the healthcare system in the United States are pretty big. How to solve this...

Rising Costs
-Go electronic
-Provide limited and sensible malpractice protection for physicians
-Insure the uninsured

The Uninsured [One of the biggest costs in the entire system]
-Mandatory PRIVATE insurance
-Subsidies in the form of tax breaks or write offs

Exclusionary Practices
-Institute ethics reform

So this all sounds well and good but how will this actually work. Its an innovative idea that I learned from an actual physician. The system would work like a credit card, and while you cant mandate it - the efficiency and genius of the plan would cause it to become the norm i.e. the way Obamacare would become the norm because of its ability to undercut the private insurers. So it is basically a credit card it keeps all of your information on the card, the plan you have and such and such [eliminating the paper] and any medical procedure it paid for on that card by the issuing company. You pay it back just like a credit card - while these plans would have to be subsidized in the form of tax write offs for delinquincies and things of that nature it would be by the private sector. My sense is that this would be affordable, profitable and easy to use. It would cut costs by doing away with the glut of paper and it could insure the uninsured by allowing for mandatory coverage without government interference. There could possibly be another medicade/medicare development in the realm of the uninsurable or those who are prone to illness but it would allow for most to be insured and someone to always foot the bill at the door. Generally speaking from a non-physician I believe that our medical practice needs to focus more on prevention and lifestyle coaching rather than solving an illness as it comes up. Read the China Study, read any health books they all say that much of our costs in healthcare come from the lives we live. We do have the best healthcare the WHO reports are misleading counting our cancer and heart disease death rates while ignoring others. My only thing is I believe healthcare is a solution for the private sector to find not for government interference.

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