OOO an old friend. I once became enraged in my "Black intellectuals" elective in high school reading his book about 12 great African American men and their stories which included the bigoted and hate spewing Louis Farrakhan. This incident has become ridiculous, gaining attention as much for being ridiculous as much as it has for being possibly a incident of racial profiling. So here is my two-sense from a twenty year old college kids "wisdomise" viewpoint...you dont mess with the police. As unfair and ridiculous as it sounds - police can pretty much do what they want in any instance. While maybe being unfair, this discretion is what keeps me safely curled up in my big bed every night not having to worry about being murdered. If a police man asks you to do something you do it. Questions later not during and most importantly not before. If I had done what Gates did [from the officer and Gates story this is without the official tapes which could shed light on what actually happened] I probably would have been dropped to the ground. The fact that Gates is African American probably caused the officer to handle it a bit more delicately than he would if it was a six foot white college kid getting in his face about being a "white college kid in America". And Obama's words about this irk me, they irk me in a way that not commander in chiefs words should. THESE people are here to PROTECT US. Protect you, protect me, protect Professor Gates and even protect Barack Obama. Most of the time police get no respect no thanks for what they do - especially where I come from, Colby College...but in certain times you are required for your own sake, you are in control of this - these times are when they approach you. Cooperate if you have nothing to hide dont act like it, if you dont have to get upset dont do shit. This was not the blatant misuse of power in the Oklahoma ambulance incident a couple weeks ago where the officer should have been fired but this was a police officer doing his job with someone trying to make it even harder for him to keep his neighborhood safe. Rule of thumb to anyone out there with potential cop hazards, do what they say - if they say get on the ground you sure as hell do it, if they say lick my feet dont hesitate - you will only be worse off for making their already tough job tougher.
A quick word, there are some people you love to hate and some people who you have to on principle because you think they are pretty awful human beings. But when some people are right you have to give them credit. Pat Buchanon - the racist, bigot anti-semite wrote an article on a website the other day saying how far off base we have gotten from what our forefathers mapped for us. I planned on writing a post about this but he beat me too it. I lost the address but if you are so inclined I suggest you read it, here is his most recent article http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=104833 I am sure there is a link to the previous one on there.
One more, a chance to attack Obama. I just kid. Where have all the promises gone?http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D99J4SS80&show_article=1. During his prime time press conference he parred the question and didnt catch much flak for it. But seriously what happened to C-Span and I am not talking about the kick off party to your maligned health care bill, figure it out keep your promises to the American people. Right now people want the deficet solved then health care. I leave you with this question how can you implement such radical change without tests - maybe even "stress tests" for such a program to see if it actually work...figure it out