All this talk of taxes has me scared. Taxing health benefits? And Obama said we can keep our health plans if we liked them? This doesnt add up, the only thing it adds up to is fleecing the American population of their freedom of choice, their freedom to exist how they would like to exist. Healthcare after the MJ fiasco is back at the frontburner of the liberal media machine pushing constantly to change the minds of those Americans who see the flaws in the current reform talk. The problem is that anyone who opposes the democratic plan is labeled as a "conservative" or a "republican" a slur in these times. It is scary to me to see the potential for more taxes and less freedom of choice, specifically in the health care region but more importantly in the grand scheme of America. The word taxes always makes people cringe especially when it is talk of taxes being levied against themselves. But here is a reccomendation for anyone reading this, look up the VAT, a type of sales tax across the board. If your interested and I am sure you will be read the "Fair Tax Book" written by talk show host Neal Boortz. Dont be scared away by the connotations that come with his name, it is a completely true book. While I ascribe to many of his libertarian views this is the one that i adhere to religiously. Any code that needs thousands of pages cannot be viewed as fair. It can only be seen as an egregious abuse of power and attempt at extreme social engineering. Why not tax those things that we dont need, that second mercedez-benz....or the extra large tuna steak you bought at Whole Foods? Some say it is regressive, but I say it is fair. The only thing the income tax does is tax people more for working harder and using their skills and their lives in more productive ways....doesnt this sound a bit wrong to you? It does to me. But maybe we should be more empathetic, I could be called callous and jaded and priveleged and many different things...but one thing is for sure I dont want Americans punished for working their asses off to make their money. We should be taxed on our choices, the things we buy, the things we decide we need....not on our hard work. Some say a VAT wouldnt work, read the book...I am not mathemetician so I cant tell you here but it would work its all spelled out in the book. Give me your gripes but not until you read the book, dont tell me you dont agree with it on moral grounds so you wont read it. Read it give it a chance...see whats up.
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