Some new things to think about. Again financial news dominates my mind as it does to most in these times in America. I don't blame President Obama for what he's walked into, he is the victim of circumstance. At this time he is a good thing for a faltering country, I just saw Ichiro Suzuki almost shriek in excitement when he met him. His mistakes might be legendary but his fame will forever define his existence, quite possibly his quickly diminishing fame or to use a more appropriate word popularity. During this time of what I would call restructuring for our country those who seek more and more power have found a vulnerable people and country willing to sacrifice for stability, facing a pipeline to the infamous Great Depression - individulas who once valued their over leveraged home that they wouldnt give it up for anything for fear of losing one of their most "stable and ever-increasing worth" asset. The time was ripe for those who looked to put unwritten rules into ink and rewrite those rules in the process. While it is true that the financial system failed in the long run was because of the financial process, I agree it needs to be changed but reformed dramatically. Respect the small business, respect the individual. Now on capital hill ethics charges could soon be coming. While Palaus refuses to name which banks got 2.2 Trillion dollars for fear of tarnishing them we now are seeing progress on investigations into them. So the justice department decided to interven but now are refusing to name the senators involved. Collusion could be one of the stories when the histories are written that is a pointed memory of what became the Housing Bubble. Maybe one day people will wake up again forgoing those promises of stability and act out against what could become great stories of collusion and a rapid increase in the size of government. While it is improbable that many senators engaged in or were successful in collusion some may have engaged in swaths of collusion. But I feel I digress, in the next election we should enjoy our, for the time being promise of security. But once we ascend the wall of negativity I hope we begin to vote for people more in line with a proper form of thinking. One against oligarchs, one against collusion - stop taxing the heart of our economy the small business. It may sound alarmist and I don't mean to sound like a right-wing cook because that is not what I am. I dont think I am extreme in one or the other. I believing in taking a dramatic look at the rapid increasing government in this country from both right-wing and left-wing initiatives. Look at the relationship between leaders in this country and private interests - but do not be swayed by just the common man - a natural checks and balance system between Private interests and Publics ones but influence may need to be tapered. Just as reforming the election laws. I digress which has most likely become the theme of tonight. He will be remembered for his rocky relationship with his own majority in the senate the first indicator in a real divergence in what the senate was meant for. They have become legislatively happy in a sense, their leaders have adopted larger egos while presiding over even larger constituencies. Soon the polls will turn into public demostrations, calls to senators offices etc. soon we the people will take it back. Until then Obama is what we need, he is a face. He is comfort food, he promised big things promised change had a comforting oratory but cannot control his own congress cannot control his spending and cannot control his own political bones failing to connect with those who see through his partisan and public bs. While I have less problems with his than I do with the Senate or Congress I feel neither represent my views. As we know confidence is at all time lows, that is at the center of this whole problem, Obama instills confidence in Moonbats and regular people alike McCain would not have done that, it's tough for me to admitt but Obama may be just the solution that we need - not on substance but on confidence alone.
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