Friday, July 24, 2009
Henry Louis Gate
OOO an old friend. I once became enraged in my "Black intellectuals" elective in high school reading his book about 12 great African American men and their stories which included the bigoted and hate spewing Louis Farrakhan. This incident has become ridiculous, gaining attention as much for being ridiculous as much as it has for being possibly a incident of racial profiling. So here is my two-sense from a twenty year old college kids "wisdomise" dont mess with the police. As unfair and ridiculous as it sounds - police can pretty much do what they want in any instance. While maybe being unfair, this discretion is what keeps me safely curled up in my big bed every night not having to worry about being murdered. If a police man asks you to do something you do it. Questions later not during and most importantly not before. If I had done what Gates did [from the officer and Gates story this is without the official tapes which could shed light on what actually happened] I probably would have been dropped to the ground. The fact that Gates is African American probably caused the officer to handle it a bit more delicately than he would if it was a six foot white college kid getting in his face about being a "white college kid in America". And Obama's words about this irk me, they irk me in a way that not commander in chiefs words should. THESE people are here to PROTECT US. Protect you, protect me, protect Professor Gates and even protect Barack Obama. Most of the time police get no respect no thanks for what they do - especially where I come from, Colby College...but in certain times you are required for your own sake, you are in control of this - these times are when they approach you. Cooperate if you have nothing to hide dont act like it, if you dont have to get upset dont do shit. This was not the blatant misuse of power in the Oklahoma ambulance incident a couple weeks ago where the officer should have been fired but this was a police officer doing his job with someone trying to make it even harder for him to keep his neighborhood safe. Rule of thumb to anyone out there with potential cop hazards, do what they say - if they say get on the ground you sure as hell do it, if they say lick my feet dont hesitate - you will only be worse off for making their already tough job tougher.
A quick word, there are some people you love to hate and some people who you have to on principle because you think they are pretty awful human beings. But when some people are right you have to give them credit. Pat Buchanon - the racist, bigot anti-semite wrote an article on a website the other day saying how far off base we have gotten from what our forefathers mapped for us. I planned on writing a post about this but he beat me too it. I lost the address but if you are so inclined I suggest you read it, here is his most recent article I am sure there is a link to the previous one on there.
One more, a chance to attack Obama. I just kid. Where have all the promises gone? During his prime time press conference he parred the question and didnt catch much flak for it. But seriously what happened to C-Span and I am not talking about the kick off party to your maligned health care bill, figure it out keep your promises to the American people. Right now people want the deficet solved then health care. I leave you with this question how can you implement such radical change without tests - maybe even "stress tests" for such a program to see if it actually work...figure it out
Friday, July 17, 2009
Solution - Credit Card Companies???
So I have fallen into the trap that I complain every person who talks politics falls into. I have just been complaining, I like to think of myself as an "ideas" guy or a "solutions" guy, but all I have done is gripe. So finally I will give some solutions that I believe will solve what I have been complaining about most, which is healthcare. If you know me or have been reading this blog you will know I am a huge proponent of private industry...I believe in order to retain the types of freedom and lives that we love so much right now is to keep government out and leave it to the private sector which I have a couple suggestions.
Here are the problems
Rising Costs
The Uninsured
Exclusionary Practices
So those major problems which have plagued the healthcare system in the United States are pretty big. How to solve this...
Rising Costs
-Go electronic
-Provide limited and sensible malpractice protection for physicians
-Insure the uninsured
The Uninsured [One of the biggest costs in the entire system]
-Mandatory PRIVATE insurance
-Subsidies in the form of tax breaks or write offs
Exclusionary Practices
-Institute ethics reform
So this all sounds well and good but how will this actually work. Its an innovative idea that I learned from an actual physician. The system would work like a credit card, and while you cant mandate it - the efficiency and genius of the plan would cause it to become the norm i.e. the way Obamacare would become the norm because of its ability to undercut the private insurers. So it is basically a credit card it keeps all of your information on the card, the plan you have and such and such [eliminating the paper] and any medical procedure it paid for on that card by the issuing company. You pay it back just like a credit card - while these plans would have to be subsidized in the form of tax write offs for delinquincies and things of that nature it would be by the private sector. My sense is that this would be affordable, profitable and easy to use. It would cut costs by doing away with the glut of paper and it could insure the uninsured by allowing for mandatory coverage without government interference. There could possibly be another medicade/medicare development in the realm of the uninsurable or those who are prone to illness but it would allow for most to be insured and someone to always foot the bill at the door. Generally speaking from a non-physician I believe that our medical practice needs to focus more on prevention and lifestyle coaching rather than solving an illness as it comes up. Read the China Study, read any health books they all say that much of our costs in healthcare come from the lives we live. We do have the best healthcare the WHO reports are misleading counting our cancer and heart disease death rates while ignoring others. My only thing is I believe healthcare is a solution for the private sector to find not for government interference.
Here are the problems
Rising Costs
The Uninsured
Exclusionary Practices
So those major problems which have plagued the healthcare system in the United States are pretty big. How to solve this...
Rising Costs
-Go electronic
-Provide limited and sensible malpractice protection for physicians
-Insure the uninsured
The Uninsured [One of the biggest costs in the entire system]
-Mandatory PRIVATE insurance
-Subsidies in the form of tax breaks or write offs
Exclusionary Practices
-Institute ethics reform
So this all sounds well and good but how will this actually work. Its an innovative idea that I learned from an actual physician. The system would work like a credit card, and while you cant mandate it - the efficiency and genius of the plan would cause it to become the norm i.e. the way Obamacare would become the norm because of its ability to undercut the private insurers. So it is basically a credit card it keeps all of your information on the card, the plan you have and such and such [eliminating the paper] and any medical procedure it paid for on that card by the issuing company. You pay it back just like a credit card - while these plans would have to be subsidized in the form of tax write offs for delinquincies and things of that nature it would be by the private sector. My sense is that this would be affordable, profitable and easy to use. It would cut costs by doing away with the glut of paper and it could insure the uninsured by allowing for mandatory coverage without government interference. There could possibly be another medicade/medicare development in the realm of the uninsurable or those who are prone to illness but it would allow for most to be insured and someone to always foot the bill at the door. Generally speaking from a non-physician I believe that our medical practice needs to focus more on prevention and lifestyle coaching rather than solving an illness as it comes up. Read the China Study, read any health books they all say that much of our costs in healthcare come from the lives we live. We do have the best healthcare the WHO reports are misleading counting our cancer and heart disease death rates while ignoring others. My only thing is I believe healthcare is a solution for the private sector to find not for government interference.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Even more
After somewhat of a lull health care is being touted as "imminent" in some media outlets and again, for the time being talk about the cost is being muted - it is being muted by new reports about the tax hikes that will come should a bill like this pass. I have a question for all those who voted for Obama - didnt he promise no taxes higher than those in the nineties? Well low and behold we might be experiencing tax rates not seen since the early eighties! Just like the discrepencies between carbon in the atmosphere and the measurements of temperature I expect Obama's overall poll numbers to catch up in steep decline with the low poll numbers concerning his priorities and policies. It has even been said by the chair of Congressional Budget Office say that this plan would increase costs and explode to an even larger figure than has been estimated by congress. Think about this read some articles....its getting scary
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Punishment for Success: Healthcare
So maybe I was wrong, healthcare was just on hiatus to allow for the burial of MJ. Its back on the table and it looks like the Democrats have found a way to make up that short fall between cost and funding - tax what they consider to be the "super-rich" an inordinate amount, generating unseen revenue in order to pay for a socialized system. Is this what it has come down to in our country? Do people specifically the governing apparatus of our country understand what this will mean? This is going to hit small businesses especially hard - they demonize these people by linking them up with the Wall-Street honchos and the CEO's of the world but this hits at the core of America's entreprenurial spirit and our local and regionalized business who employ so many. The already struggling car dealer, the similarly struggling contractor and on and on until they have to start cutting jobs - but that wont matter because these people will have healthcare - paid for by those who will start to lose money. I read a story that I linked up in an earlier post about Norway and their healthcare system and studies that have been done. It rewards complacency, it rewards anti-innovation.
This really scares me, it truly does. This could amount to over 55% tax cumulatively on these households and small businesses THIS IS HIGHWAY ROBBERY. How can you expect growth in a climate like that, especially for those who look to earn money like that - it will be even harder to live the American dream if taxes are that high and the rate of inflation stays at what it is - despite our recent deflationary trend with the amount of money we are spending and printing at the same time/borrowing inflation is sure to skyrocket. While Dick Durbin has said his chamber is unlikely to back the taxes on the "superwealthy" its scary when you consider Obamas popularity and the way that most democratic leaders worship the ground he walks on. They also want to add a surcharge on capital gains taxes as well. It is getting ridiculous to pay for something that could be solved by getting costs under control and reforming the health care system not overhauling it and making it a government entity. This is not what we do in America, this is European this is scary. Tom Donohue the President of the US Chamber of Congress said it best "when did our country begin to punish success". It is a scary time people. Any bill over a thousand pages long is bound to smell of patronage, kickbacks and pork something both parties know all too well.
This except gives me hope
Senator Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat, said he’s “not hearing a lot” of support for a surtax on wealthy Americans. People in his state don’t like the millionaire’s tax “because they are looking someday to get there themselves,” Nelson told reporters on July 13. “It’s the American way.”
Maybe I was wrong - maybe the American dream is still alive and it has not transformed into one of complacency and being cared for by a big brother state. But you never know - the eerie predictions of George Orwell and Karl Marx sometimes creep into my head as I look at recent happenings in America. While we have strived for egalitarianism, we have lost an edge, we have lost our hides - we have traded them in for a cellofane skin that can be punctured by the smallest pointed remark. Our Cowboy days are done boys and girls - John Wayne is a distant memory, feelings a sense of security have replaced our renegade spirit to make a name for ourselves in any way possible. Healthcare is an example of that and finding a way to pay for that could turn out to be an egregious mess. I dont want to be taxed in the future when I acheive dreams of making big big bucks, to pay for someone who thought "eh I dont really have to work that hard to acheive the things that will make my life O.K. here - I can just sit around and be content". Because after reading that article about Norway and what has happened there - it is a very distinct possiblity
This is a good summary of what is going on right now
Picture up top was released by House Republicans on the possible beauraucratic mess that would accompany Health Care reform
Ripe for our time
Some new things to think about. Again financial news dominates my mind as it does to most in these times in America. I don't blame President Obama for what he's walked into, he is the victim of circumstance. At this time he is a good thing for a faltering country, I just saw Ichiro Suzuki almost shriek in excitement when he met him. His mistakes might be legendary but his fame will forever define his existence, quite possibly his quickly diminishing fame or to use a more appropriate word popularity. During this time of what I would call restructuring for our country those who seek more and more power have found a vulnerable people and country willing to sacrifice for stability, facing a pipeline to the infamous Great Depression - individulas who once valued their over leveraged home that they wouldnt give it up for anything for fear of losing one of their most "stable and ever-increasing worth" asset. The time was ripe for those who looked to put unwritten rules into ink and rewrite those rules in the process. While it is true that the financial system failed in the long run was because of the financial process, I agree it needs to be changed but reformed dramatically. Respect the small business, respect the individual. Now on capital hill ethics charges could soon be coming. While Palaus refuses to name which banks got 2.2 Trillion dollars for fear of tarnishing them we now are seeing progress on investigations into them. So the justice department decided to interven but now are refusing to name the senators involved. Collusion could be one of the stories when the histories are written that is a pointed memory of what became the Housing Bubble. Maybe one day people will wake up again forgoing those promises of stability and act out against what could become great stories of collusion and a rapid increase in the size of government. While it is improbable that many senators engaged in or were successful in collusion some may have engaged in swaths of collusion. But I feel I digress, in the next election we should enjoy our, for the time being promise of security. But once we ascend the wall of negativity I hope we begin to vote for people more in line with a proper form of thinking. One against oligarchs, one against collusion - stop taxing the heart of our economy the small business. It may sound alarmist and I don't mean to sound like a right-wing cook because that is not what I am. I dont think I am extreme in one or the other. I believing in taking a dramatic look at the rapid increasing government in this country from both right-wing and left-wing initiatives. Look at the relationship between leaders in this country and private interests - but do not be swayed by just the common man - a natural checks and balance system between Private interests and Publics ones but influence may need to be tapered. Just as reforming the election laws. I digress which has most likely become the theme of tonight. He will be remembered for his rocky relationship with his own majority in the senate the first indicator in a real divergence in what the senate was meant for. They have become legislatively happy in a sense, their leaders have adopted larger egos while presiding over even larger constituencies. Soon the polls will turn into public demostrations, calls to senators offices etc. soon we the people will take it back. Until then Obama is what we need, he is a face. He is comfort food, he promised big things promised change had a comforting oratory but cannot control his own congress cannot control his spending and cannot control his own political bones failing to connect with those who see through his partisan and public bs. While I have less problems with his than I do with the Senate or Congress I feel neither represent my views. As we know confidence is at all time lows, that is at the center of this whole problem, Obama instills confidence in Moonbats and regular people alike McCain would not have done that, it's tough for me to admitt but Obama may be just the solution that we need - not on substance but on confidence alone.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Taxes, taxes, taxes
All this talk of taxes has me scared. Taxing health benefits? And Obama said we can keep our health plans if we liked them? This doesnt add up, the only thing it adds up to is fleecing the American population of their freedom of choice, their freedom to exist how they would like to exist. Healthcare after the MJ fiasco is back at the frontburner of the liberal media machine pushing constantly to change the minds of those Americans who see the flaws in the current reform talk. The problem is that anyone who opposes the democratic plan is labeled as a "conservative" or a "republican" a slur in these times. It is scary to me to see the potential for more taxes and less freedom of choice, specifically in the health care region but more importantly in the grand scheme of America. The word taxes always makes people cringe especially when it is talk of taxes being levied against themselves. But here is a reccomendation for anyone reading this, look up the VAT, a type of sales tax across the board. If your interested and I am sure you will be read the "Fair Tax Book" written by talk show host Neal Boortz. Dont be scared away by the connotations that come with his name, it is a completely true book. While I ascribe to many of his libertarian views this is the one that i adhere to religiously. Any code that needs thousands of pages cannot be viewed as fair. It can only be seen as an egregious abuse of power and attempt at extreme social engineering. Why not tax those things that we dont need, that second mercedez-benz....or the extra large tuna steak you bought at Whole Foods? Some say it is regressive, but I say it is fair. The only thing the income tax does is tax people more for working harder and using their skills and their lives in more productive ways....doesnt this sound a bit wrong to you? It does to me. But maybe we should be more empathetic, I could be called callous and jaded and priveleged and many different things...but one thing is for sure I dont want Americans punished for working their asses off to make their money. We should be taxed on our choices, the things we buy, the things we decide we need....not on our hard work. Some say a VAT wouldnt work, read the book...I am not mathemetician so I cant tell you here but it would work its all spelled out in the book. Give me your gripes but not until you read the book, dont tell me you dont agree with it on moral grounds so you wont read it. Read it give it a chance...see whats up.
A Word to the Wise
I have not posted in a while. I have been busy aka this weather is really getting to me. Today I finally started watching the news again as I recently have been too tired by the weather to do anything more than read a bit, work, drink and sleep. I like everyone else in the country have been waiting for the positive economic news we were promised by the election of "CHANGE"! There has been little movement, little progress as we slowly dip into a deeper recession in my mind. I can see it at my own place of work where tips and patronage is slowly slipping every day at a New England institution. States are on the brink of bancruptcy and California is issuing IOU's which arent even being taken by some companies...we have some critical problems in this country and while conversation around spending has been muted recently, half because of the death of Michael Jackson and half because Obama realized it was not politically palatable option in this climate they still want to spend. Spending our way out of debt seems like an oxy moron doesnt it? Does anyone in this country look at history or listen to other world leaders and forgo our American exceptionalist attitude? Yes FDR brought us out of the depression but how much of that can be attributed to WWII. Maybe Angela Merkel is not as wrong as other world leaders think and maybe we should rely on what has made America a great country in the first place, limited government interaction with a heavy reliance on innovation and hard work to stimulate the economy. A DEFICET IS NOT OK, ESPECIALLY FOR MY GENERATION. Donna Brazille who is arguing for the stimulus bill just said "until the private sector gets back on its feet" but attributed the government to holding the fort until that happens. Why dont we stimulate the private sector quickly? We are focusing on the wrong things, social programs expanding the federal them forgive debts get back on their feet and back to buisiness and innovation.
Now a bit of enlightenment on the weather. Especially here in the north east we have been experiencing some very weirdddd weather patterns. Heres the deal all of you i.e. Rusch Limbaugh, Howie Carr etc. who are using this for fodder to "discredit" those who claim global warming you are ignorant. First of all the carbons that we have put in the atmosphere already are there and there to stay. The graphs show all the correlations except for an increase in temperature which is due to happen at any moment. Either way the weather we are experiencing is due to the massive fluctuation in weather and such around the globe. The rain is a product of global warming the mild temperatures are part of a 5-7 year cooling period predicted decades ago for our globe. Dont take the recent weather as any time to breathe as was shown today on Mount Rushmore "Obama America respects leaders not politicians act on global warming now".
The G8 meetings happening right now I think are going to be the toughest test to date for President Obama. He is facing considerable opposition from other global leaders trying to get a foothold in the place that America has owned for the past half decade - world superpower. But diversification of global reserves is not all a bad thing. While it will be harder to cover our debts I feel it might invigorate our American spirit. As I quoted before we have almost entered the state of complacency that comes with affluence. This may be a point in time where we revert back to hard work to get back to that affluence. We need a culture that is kind to buisness and affluence in order to raise the living standards of everyone, at least in this country.
A word about the general state of the world. Its interesting to watch the actions of leaders and populations around the world. Before the economic collapse recently we were witnessing a resistence to American power, hegemony that in the face of a resiliant George Bush somewhat failed as we strongarmed our policies to the rest of the world. Now that a window has opened up for others to take control of some of the power it seems they are all handcuffed with either fear or not knowing what to do. While we are being challenged eocnomically we are also looked towards to help bring the entire world out of recession. Basically most live and die by the prosperity of America. My viewpoint is though that America is not yet taking advantage of this point in time to firmly take back and stake a claim on their foothold in the world ladder. We/Obama is pussyfooting around issues and trying to push his own jaded agenda on a population that wants to regain this foothold, regain our prosperity. We are not Germany, we are not Italy, we are not France, we are not even the UK...we are America - We value leaders who value us, value us not just as numbers, ballots or votes but as the President no matter how deified no matter how regarded are not Amerca, you are not Jesus Christ superstar you are a public servant...for someone who values polls so much listen to them, change the deficet right the wrongs of presidents past...make your mark as someone of the people not someone who tries to strongarm policies on the American the constitution, read Adam Smith....see how that changes your viewpoint. Thats my rant for now.
Friday, June 26, 2009
This new healthcare add on is really scary. It is a tax on "gold plated" healthcare and will help the drive towards a public plan and therefore more control. But it is allowing for unionized healthcare benefits be untaxed. This is a travesty and as their said in bloomberg "political favoritism". It is just to get votes and if they get it this could be a slippery slope towards a more European model of American life. Large subsidies with expensive nice products and a general malaise, making the vaunted "American worker" a thing of the past. We are losing our spirit right now hitting the highest saving rates in years in the United States we are looking more like Japan after their recession in the nineties. I hope that is not the case. The economy is still leveling out the wheels are slowly stopping and it is only us that can start it back up in the right direction, maybe even to the speed it was going in the past. It is not by regulations which will meter out maybe not the initial jumpstart but will definately exclude it being ramped up to its past speed. We need money, a more ethical business and confidence. That is what will get our good system going again and not let it slip off the tracks.....I hope sense comes to those in Washington
The Game: The Loss of Ideas
This occured to me as I was trying to fall asleep tonight. I began thinking about what it takes to get elected in this country today. It brought me to this movie made a couple years ago by Robin Williams 'Man of the Year'. In this movie he is a straight shooter independent candidate who long story short blasts the competition away in a phony election but really makes an impact not being beholden to any party or lobbyists. Wouldnt this be refreshing!? Today it is all a game. It reall is a game. It is not about ideas, well to a certain extent it is...but its about pandering, timing, schmoozing, playing the polls, having the right accent, being from the right place, having the right story being squeaky clean. Ideas today in the wake of all of those things being combinded, ideas are second fiddle. Yet ideas are ultimately what we vote main gripe with Obama in this election was that he was vague, his ideas were vague....but he, himself and the political geniuses which he gathered around him used the most simple means to capitvate the people. Change. The South Park episode puts it best when Randy confronts his boss saying "I dont have to take your shit anymore because everything is going to change!". That simple saying, no real slogan other than "yes we can" just change....and everyone knows we needed change. But have we really gotten it? This is what I have been trying to get at with my past couple of posts. With that article exposing Obama's lack of disclousure on White House visits and his real smug attitutde towards those who would even dare challenge his initiatives I believe the change was more in the billing than in the actual show.
Because of this I feel that we need to look at our political process a little more closely. Man of the Year gave me hope, inspiration...because I too one day would like to be that outside who is able to speak his mind and rock the buttoned up, honky tonk world of Washington politics. Now I understand I cant waltz into any state and make my political landfall, you have to have roots in your area, you have to speak their language talk their talk. My state, Mass is a hard one to crack. Mitt Romney did it, by becoming a huge liberal, some accused him of being a carpetbagger but he is one political outsider who could make a difference. He has some point on ideas and actual experience handling money, but again the media establishment labeled him as some part of a Mormon cult and killed some of his chances....I hope he runs again maybe this time with a bit more support. What I am pointing towards here is that a little too much attention is paid to things outside of ideas and someones ability to implement them. The media gave Bill Clinton a free pass totally separating his womanizing from his ability to lead the country. Whereas snippits of GWB snorting cocaine or being an alcoholic threw his ability into doubt. Partisan lines have divided us a little too much [if I seem to lean towards the media letting Democrats off the hook and Republicans get too much flak its not because I am bitter its because its what I see, I want a straight shot for everyone not just Republicans] and have added to the theater of politics.
"Theater of politics" is such an awful phrase. I cringe when I hear it. Politics is not theater it is real life it is the medium between life and death, peace and war, poverty and prosperity. I never understood those people who say I dont care for politics that much becasue it effects all of us. Getting down to the nitty gritty of my main point politics have become to much of a partisan theater. It scares me. We have gotten away from ideas, plenty of ideas. In a time where the only thing that will save us IS IDEAS we have gotten away from them. Congress doesnt even read bills anymore ITS APPALLING THEY HIRED A SPEED READER, A SPEED READER, WE ELECT SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN THEN PAY THEM SO THEY CAN GO OUT AND CAMPAIGN FOR THEIR OWN REELECTION AND HIRE SPEED READERS TO READ BILLS. That is outrageous and is happens on both sides of the aisle as frequently as the other. Its really a crucial time in America a time to say stand up or shut up. There are some rare straight shooters out there but they are old and dying off, one is in the White House now. I have infinite respect for John McCain, Joe Biden and others who have been in the game long enough to be the outsiders on this new political game. Maybe I am still outdated, I have been one to always look to the past for answers [but isnt that what they say about history "the only way to make a better future is to avoid the mistakes of the past"?] but these guys actually care about their constitutents. I care about this country and the people in it, I care about actual change that makes us all better off and does not just put my name in the history books as doing something that could never be achieved before. Some of the things that are trying to be shoved through congress right now are only to rival one great presidents first 100 or so days in office and that shouldnt be the case. We need deliberation, a national conversation on where we want to head as a country. There are many paths, some have been taken before us some are waiting for us to uncover....either way this is an important time not for the political game not for empty words, lip pursing and closed fist thumb pointing, it is a time for ideas.....not government ideas private ideas, ideas based on our principles as a people so that we the US can acheive even more prosperity once again in the face of decline.
No more games.....IDEAS
Because of this I feel that we need to look at our political process a little more closely. Man of the Year gave me hope, inspiration...because I too one day would like to be that outside who is able to speak his mind and rock the buttoned up, honky tonk world of Washington politics. Now I understand I cant waltz into any state and make my political landfall, you have to have roots in your area, you have to speak their language talk their talk. My state, Mass is a hard one to crack. Mitt Romney did it, by becoming a huge liberal, some accused him of being a carpetbagger but he is one political outsider who could make a difference. He has some point on ideas and actual experience handling money, but again the media establishment labeled him as some part of a Mormon cult and killed some of his chances....I hope he runs again maybe this time with a bit more support. What I am pointing towards here is that a little too much attention is paid to things outside of ideas and someones ability to implement them. The media gave Bill Clinton a free pass totally separating his womanizing from his ability to lead the country. Whereas snippits of GWB snorting cocaine or being an alcoholic threw his ability into doubt. Partisan lines have divided us a little too much [if I seem to lean towards the media letting Democrats off the hook and Republicans get too much flak its not because I am bitter its because its what I see, I want a straight shot for everyone not just Republicans] and have added to the theater of politics.
"Theater of politics" is such an awful phrase. I cringe when I hear it. Politics is not theater it is real life it is the medium between life and death, peace and war, poverty and prosperity. I never understood those people who say I dont care for politics that much becasue it effects all of us. Getting down to the nitty gritty of my main point politics have become to much of a partisan theater. It scares me. We have gotten away from ideas, plenty of ideas. In a time where the only thing that will save us IS IDEAS we have gotten away from them. Congress doesnt even read bills anymore ITS APPALLING THEY HIRED A SPEED READER, A SPEED READER, WE ELECT SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN THEN PAY THEM SO THEY CAN GO OUT AND CAMPAIGN FOR THEIR OWN REELECTION AND HIRE SPEED READERS TO READ BILLS. That is outrageous and is happens on both sides of the aisle as frequently as the other. Its really a crucial time in America a time to say stand up or shut up. There are some rare straight shooters out there but they are old and dying off, one is in the White House now. I have infinite respect for John McCain, Joe Biden and others who have been in the game long enough to be the outsiders on this new political game. Maybe I am still outdated, I have been one to always look to the past for answers [but isnt that what they say about history "the only way to make a better future is to avoid the mistakes of the past"?] but these guys actually care about their constitutents. I care about this country and the people in it, I care about actual change that makes us all better off and does not just put my name in the history books as doing something that could never be achieved before. Some of the things that are trying to be shoved through congress right now are only to rival one great presidents first 100 or so days in office and that shouldnt be the case. We need deliberation, a national conversation on where we want to head as a country. There are many paths, some have been taken before us some are waiting for us to uncover....either way this is an important time not for the political game not for empty words, lip pursing and closed fist thumb pointing, it is a time for ideas.....not government ideas private ideas, ideas based on our principles as a people so that we the US can acheive even more prosperity once again in the face of decline.
No more games.....IDEAS
Energy, Obama and Michael Jackson
Have not posted in a while, been to busy/way to lazy. This new energy bill that is going through congress is interesting and could be devastating to the United States. In essence it puts restrictions on businesses that operate out of the United States and frankly anyone in the United States that the rest of the world has not undertaken and frankly will not. This will continue the exodus of some from the United States because of new restirctions and will also raise prices and such across the board. Now is not a time for a "cap and trade" bill it will only bankrupt the country more. Instead of trying to regulate old industries we need to do what Americans do best, innovate we need to pump money into the private sector to make green jobs and green industry profitable. We also need to get ballsy in our decisions, nuclear energy is an option once we find out what to do with the waste. Today there is not enough being spent figuring out what to do with the waste, maybe partnering with european countries which use substantial amounts of nuclear energy would make it possible to find a proper way to dispose of it. This article supporting changes to our nuclear energy policies is a good read and helped me a lot in understanding what we need to do. Energy should be at the top of the list but impedeing profits and stagnating on creating a green industry are counterproductive
Obama is making me somewhat sick once again. For some reason I watched the ABC infomercial after his "no-no" in doing a planted question during his daytime press conference but this was just sick. Planted questions galor was not enough meatball questions were the norm. This healthcare issue is going to blow up very soon with both sides getting heated. I believe I stand somewhere in the middle. Some things need to be changed, our livestyles need to change and people need to have the right information. But we need to keep the best doctors coming into this country and we need to keep private insurers. True people should not be precluded from getting care, true doctors should not be scared of getting random malpractice suites, the lure of family medicine should be subsidized by government grants for graduate education....we should be digitized.....there are flaws but that DOES NOT included a public plan. Obama is dilly dallying on that answer because he wants it but he needs to know it is politically feasible, he is pandering. I hate this game and he tries to play it too often. Say what you want....not what you think people want to hear....we need change but not with the governments hand involved.
Michael Jackson, the man had it rough. It is a sad day to see an icon fall. For some reason I never thought he was guilty of the horrible things people accused him of. Some may say I am crazy, and maybe I am but for some reason I dont think there was a malicious bone in that guys body and he knew molesting children was bad. I truly believe he could only feel himself with other children, he was a man child....he only had some semblence of a childhood and then the rest of his life was managed and revolved around his carrer. Him hanging a baby out the window? He didnt know it was wrong....I believe we, the people, the public fucked this mans life for good and then gave him shit for it....he was an icon, a part of the fabric of American culture that will never be torn out....R.I.P Michael
Obama is making me somewhat sick once again. For some reason I watched the ABC infomercial after his "no-no" in doing a planted question during his daytime press conference but this was just sick. Planted questions galor was not enough meatball questions were the norm. This healthcare issue is going to blow up very soon with both sides getting heated. I believe I stand somewhere in the middle. Some things need to be changed, our livestyles need to change and people need to have the right information. But we need to keep the best doctors coming into this country and we need to keep private insurers. True people should not be precluded from getting care, true doctors should not be scared of getting random malpractice suites, the lure of family medicine should be subsidized by government grants for graduate education....we should be digitized.....there are flaws but that DOES NOT included a public plan. Obama is dilly dallying on that answer because he wants it but he needs to know it is politically feasible, he is pandering. I hate this game and he tries to play it too often. Say what you want....not what you think people want to hear....we need change but not with the governments hand involved.
Michael Jackson, the man had it rough. It is a sad day to see an icon fall. For some reason I never thought he was guilty of the horrible things people accused him of. Some may say I am crazy, and maybe I am but for some reason I dont think there was a malicious bone in that guys body and he knew molesting children was bad. I truly believe he could only feel himself with other children, he was a man child....he only had some semblence of a childhood and then the rest of his life was managed and revolved around his carrer. Him hanging a baby out the window? He didnt know it was wrong....I believe we, the people, the public fucked this mans life for good and then gave him shit for it....he was an icon, a part of the fabric of American culture that will never be torn out....R.I.P Michael
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Recent Obama Dealings.....
To me there seem to be cracks developing in the Obama armor. Not to criticize for fear of being labeled as "following the party line" [republicans] but only to point out some things that have developed that are glaring to me. Firstly I am short of appalled at the increasingly egotistical anecdotes and actions I see coming from the White House. To me Obama has been getting his way, being the golden child of the democratic party and now is the first time he has encountered resistance in his political life. Republicans couldnt touch him because he was untouchable, democrat could challenge because everyone knew he or Hillary was the best chance at the White House. He has stepped up his rhetoric and just watching his interviews he seems to be increasingly impatient with questions from reporters and any resistance he gets from either side of the aisle. A posting on Drudge report [] sparked my interest and inspired me for this post talking about how he has not been open. Refusing to release names of executives who visited the White House to talk about very many important issues facing the American people today. He seems to also be ignoring [for an administration which is overly concerned with polling data] what the American people have been expressing which is a concern for the future. Keeping the budget deficiet LOW. Two more things about the growing ego of Obama and his smug posture lately....what he is doing to Hillary Clinton is a crime. A great politician, a strong advocate for America....we know she doesnt take shit. She has been relegated to the sidelines, Obama wants to make a name for himself being the savior of the world and solving all the world issues and he doesnt want Hillary to be any part of it. A special envoy is dispatched all over the world in hot spots and she is out of sight and out of mind. Secondly the use of ACORN in the upcoming census scares me to death. It is WRONG to use a politically connected and overtly left leaning organization to collect all personal information on citizens and no doubt solicit some of their views when being paid by the country to go door-to-door. This I believe as do many others is an attempt to mobilize the second coming of the Obama Army which will be revamped for a re-election bid. I think it has to be against some ethics code to be using an organization like this for a census.
Now I am not one of those crazies out there who believes in conspiracy theories or anything like that. Nor do I believe that there is some socialistic take over being done covertly by Rham Emmanuel and Obama but I do believe that we are getting away from some of the things that made America great and made it what it is today. Adam Smith - one of the greatest political/economic philosophers ever and one who had a great impact on our country today saw government as this - a regulator of the public good. A public good is something that everyone uses and needs but no one wants to pay for i.e. roads, streets lights, police etc. We seem to be getting away from that believing that many more things are public goods, which in turn is not so good for the public. If Obama wants to do all of these things maybe he should open up a debate about our basic principlas as a nation [a debate he would sorely lose], I say this all tounge in cheek. Mainly though his growth of ego and his seeming frustration and inability to do what he said he was going to do [bridge the partisan gap] is really troubling to me. If he was going to bridge that gap he couldnt have an ego, but maybe he only said that because he has an ego. I am not spelling his demise here nor and saying anything concrete the jury is still out....but one thing is for sure, he is every day becoming more messianic and hardline in his rhetoric and approach to some really tough and lasting issues and I just hope some of the air is let out and he can take a step back and take the time to think about what world he is going to leave me.
Now I am not one of those crazies out there who believes in conspiracy theories or anything like that. Nor do I believe that there is some socialistic take over being done covertly by Rham Emmanuel and Obama but I do believe that we are getting away from some of the things that made America great and made it what it is today. Adam Smith - one of the greatest political/economic philosophers ever and one who had a great impact on our country today saw government as this - a regulator of the public good. A public good is something that everyone uses and needs but no one wants to pay for i.e. roads, streets lights, police etc. We seem to be getting away from that believing that many more things are public goods, which in turn is not so good for the public. If Obama wants to do all of these things maybe he should open up a debate about our basic principlas as a nation [a debate he would sorely lose], I say this all tounge in cheek. Mainly though his growth of ego and his seeming frustration and inability to do what he said he was going to do [bridge the partisan gap] is really troubling to me. If he was going to bridge that gap he couldnt have an ego, but maybe he only said that because he has an ego. I am not spelling his demise here nor and saying anything concrete the jury is still out....but one thing is for sure, he is every day becoming more messianic and hardline in his rhetoric and approach to some really tough and lasting issues and I just hope some of the air is let out and he can take a step back and take the time to think about what world he is going to leave me.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Youtube Coverage
Pretty amazing footage, reminds me of the resolve those involved in the American, French, etc. Revolutions had....fed up with being misrepresented by a tyrant the people of Iran voted for change, the tyrant could not accept defeat and started what is looking more and more like a cannot silence these millions Mr. Ayatollah and Mr. Ahmedinejad....sorry
new dramatic video
Pretty amazing footage, reminds me of the resolve those involved in the American, French, etc. Revolutions had....fed up with being misrepresented by a tyrant the people of Iran voted for change, the tyrant could not accept defeat and started what is looking more and more like a cannot silence these millions Mr. Ayatollah and Mr. Ahmedinejad....sorry
new dramatic video
News Coverage Continued....
With a recent response to my posting on the Huffington Post. We need to get away from partisan bull in this instance. Yes the media is not covering this very well because the White House or [OBAMA] does not seem to make it a large issue but I am not saying that because he is a Democrat or Republican just because of his words. He has controlled the media even Fox News handcuffing them with his comments that they never say a good word about him. For some reason the news agencies in this country do not believe that this is that big of a story considering they are covering the LA Lakers parade!!!!!!!! It does not matter whether or not you believe this is partisan, right now is not the time to debate things like that, right now it is more important to stand with our brothers in Iran. The news is shi**** the bed on this one and it is embarrassing......blogs, twitter and community websites will soon be the go to source for news b/c of this embarrassment.
ps. some of the comments by both republican and democratic senators and representatives alike are ridiculous, get off your high horse and dont use this for political gain, people are dying in the name of freedom something most of you have never come close to doing
ps. some of the comments by both republican and democratic senators and representatives alike are ridiculous, get off your high horse and dont use this for political gain, people are dying in the name of freedom something most of you have never come close to doing
American News Coverage
The American news coverage of the Iranian "revolution" is ridiculous. Every single news agency has a bunch of pu***** working for them. This is not real journalism, real journalists who care about the stories and the people they are covering do anything they can to get out the story, to get first hand accounts. These men and women are holed up in their hotel rooms parylized by the Iranian government showing an embarrassing lack of courage in the shadow of such courage expressed by Iranians. The men and women of Iran are a testament to democracy, risking their lives getting their stories out even though they know they could be killed for their actions. Just as journalistic integrity in the United States is floundering, so is the courage and willingness to report hard stories. Maybe we can learn something from the Iranian people, courage to fight against the large hand of government. As they move away from overarching government we spiral towards more government, we have become sheep....the people in Iran have become their own shepards not risking letting someone else do their work for them.....civic activism at its best, God Bless the Iranian people - Green Revolution!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dangerous Precedents...
There are dangerous precedents being established throughout our great nation. For one, the Obama administration not sending any representatives to the Mayors council meetings in Providence because they "side" with local firefighters who are picketing the event. These mayors run not only some of the largest cities in the world but a very significant portion of our population. Like representatives in the House they hear the direct complaints from their constituencies. They also are directly responsible for the ills of our cities, which in contrast to others around the world have not succumed to urban decay, like they once did. Siding with labor over the men and women who preside over large portions of our population and are directly involved in significant isues is wrong. Whether or not you agree with the gripes of the firefighters it is wrong not to send a contingent and is setting a dangerous precedent.
The next is all this nonsense about ABC's, in the words of Ken McKay "glorified infomercial" on healthcare which will be broadcast on June 24th. This is an unbelievable abuse of power, and ethics investigation, if unbiased would deem this an egregious abuse of power and conflict of interest. Without allowing any opposition oppinions to be aired this is against the general tenants of the American constitution. Healthcare reform "Obamacare" will be presented like a SHAM WOW, a solution to all your healthcare problems for only 12 annual payments of 19.99!!!!!
The next is all this nonsense about ABC's, in the words of Ken McKay "glorified infomercial" on healthcare which will be broadcast on June 24th. This is an unbelievable abuse of power, and ethics investigation, if unbiased would deem this an egregious abuse of power and conflict of interest. Without allowing any opposition oppinions to be aired this is against the general tenants of the American constitution. Healthcare reform "Obamacare" will be presented like a SHAM WOW, a solution to all your healthcare problems for only 12 annual payments of 19.99!!!!!
The last is Obama's weak response to the happenings in Iran. His words have been late and soft. I am the first to say that the United States is not the moral compass of the world and that we should not meddle in the affairs of other countries but this is different. As Obama uses the excuse that he does not want to seem as meddling it is interesting some of the reports coming out of Iran. Peaceful protests are being interrupted by gunfire, protesters are being "martyred", foreign media is being either expelled from the country or told they can only broadcast from their hotel rooms [which begs the question what is being hidden?], students are being beaten, internet sites are being blocked and police and anonymous callers are intimidating people over the phone saying "we know you participated in the protests you will be dealt with". This is tyranny at its worst...the people of Iran are SCREAMING for freedom for their human rights. In millions they are turning out ditching work risking their lives in the name of freedom. In this instance you can take sides....this is not about regulating dress or regulating other laws, this is about political freedom, violence, fraud! It reminds me of Poland and the difference between Ronald Reagans reaction and President Obama's . "the increasing use of force against an unarmed population and violations of the basic civil rights of the Polish people.Violence invites violence and threatens to plunge Poland into chaos. We call upon all free people to join in urging the Government of Poland to reestablish conditions that will make constructive negotiations and compromise possible."
Reagan did not push any outcome other than that restoring the democratic principles in that nation, he took the side of the people....a side that Obama has neglected to take, foregoing any positive will he could have garnered with a prompt and adequate response, another missed opportunity. Senators like Joe Lieberman who spoke out against the Iranian regime earlier today need to step up to the administration, do not cower in the prophetic shadow of Obama stand with our brothers for freedom in Iran. Ahmedenijad may have won, he may not have....either way it takes more than 4 hours to determine who won by counting votes by hand, allow the democratic process to flourish in a country without real democratic principles. It is now time to stand with the Iranian people, show that we are not trying to keep their country down but prop it up, support their quest for democracy as different as some of our views may them we not only support democracy within our own country but support democracy of the world and shatter their image of a world order dictatorship by the United States.....c'mon Obama wake up.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Plain Clothes Militia
The Basij or plain clothes militia of the dictator are attacking students at the ever famous Tehran University, heard about computer smashing on CNN these are the first pictures to confirm it....
Just heard Chritian Amanpours questions to Ahmadinejad.....what a joke, no wonder people believe that he rigged the vote even without the widespread reports of voter fraud and not allowing Moussavi supporters to vote "Iran is the most stable country in the world" - I think these photos speak volumes
first video of shooting
Just heard Chritian Amanpours questions to Ahmadinejad.....what a joke, no wonder people believe that he rigged the vote even without the widespread reports of voter fraud and not allowing Moussavi supporters to vote "Iran is the most stable country in the world" - I think these photos speak volumes
first video of shooting
Violence in Iran
The violence in Iran is being vastly under reported in the American media. I cannot understand why CNN even has the Ireport photos to back up some of the claims this is ridiculous.
things in the country seem to be becoming more intense by the minute, at first I was skeptical of the numbers attending the rally and protesting in the streets but now, after my own experience in large crows I believe the hundreds of thousands claims and even the over a million people
these are the best first hand accounts from in the country...God bless those who risk their lives to get this stuff out
things in the country seem to be becoming more intense by the minute, at first I was skeptical of the numbers attending the rally and protesting in the streets but now, after my own experience in large crows I believe the hundreds of thousands claims and even the over a million people
these are the best first hand accounts from in the country...God bless those who risk their lives to get this stuff out
Everything is soo important!
Today it seems as if every issue that crops up is one of ultimate importance. For example, Iran is seemingly falling into disarray after disputed election results and Obama is increasingly loosing hold on his Democratic majority. These two issues have been dominating the headlines today and have been on my mind for some time.
Firstly the election results in Iran. This is what happens to a regime with so much contradiction and one that for some time has allowed a tyrant to increase his grip on power. The democratic process for electing the all but insubtantial office of President in Iran is totally contradictory to the basic premise of a Islamic Republic. Laws in that country which are predicated on maintaining Islamic order are completely undemocratic; restrictions on dress, speech, images etc. Today more than ever, after Ahmadanejads "landslide" victory these rules are being tightened as he believes that these "results" are an affimation of his policies. As I stated in an earlier post before the elections he gave his cronies the O.K. to fix election results if the need arose, which it might have. The EU, playing the role of appeasers once again have affirmed the election results without much resistence, the Obama White House has held off judgement and the foreign policy guru Biden has explicitely said he has grave concerns about the results but curiously reaffirmed the party line of engaging Iran at any costs.
If the demonstrations in the streets are any example as are the reports of news report blocking and open beatings of people exercising free speech Iran is tumbling down a path that could unravel a nation. I am not saying civil war as I believe that is highly unlikely but clashes reminicent of 1978 are very possible. Students as in the previous instance are the main catalyst for wanting change in the Iranian government. Putting nuclear ambitions aside Mr. Moussavi shows a clear break from the current status quo in Iran. I am not so sure that his platform aligns with that of the Ayatollah [the head honcho in Iran] which is why he seems apathetic to the clashes in the streets and was so quick to affirm Ahmadinejahds victory. The volitile situation in Iran at an increasingly volitile time for the Middle East peace process is very important. On a side note a very interesting report coming out of Tehran said that some of the secret police beating opposition supporters were actual Lebonese Hezbollah, keep an eye on that story!
The next story is supported by the drudgereport and also by politico the liberal blogosphere. The democrats at this point are either too big and therefore too much of a "catch all party" or some including members of his own party are realizing some of the large blunders that Obama is increasingly having. Not only does Obamacare not look like it will get the support it needs from his own party but also Democrats are beginning to look to run against democrats in not only local but national elections! This is an extreme break from the status quo. My focus is on his increasing inability to get all in his party on board for national healthcare. This afternoon Obama will take his case to his biggest opponents the AMA, and these are the guy who should know best! One step that Obama seems willing to support is protecting doctors against some of the frivilous malpractice suites that cost them millions every year...they are here to save lives and sometimes if they cant that doesnt mean that you can sue them!
In a recent post I stated that I support finding some way to cover all people 21 and under, either through the public sector or through subsidies which allow for private options. My gripes with total healthcare reform start with this. The GOVERNMENT wants to take over 1/6 of the American economy! 1/6! The largest economy in the world, 1/6 is bigger than a lot of countries. They say that they want efficiency but every person knows that with government oversight comes Red tape, inefficiency and lack of competition which breeds complacency. The private sector is our saving grace it is what broke us out of bondage. Today as i watched a movie I heard a pretty poinent quote "All the world's great civilizations have followed the same path. From bondage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy back to bondage. If we are to be the exception to history, then we must break the cycle, for those who do not remember the past are condemned top repeat it". Our forefathers broke us out of bondage to England, from "taxation without representation". They fought against big government and their hand dipping into our pockets. They fought for free markets, for choice, for open competition which bred this great country we have today. With the growth of government comes control, complacency, apathy which all lead to even more control or bondage. We have to learn from the past keep ourselves free. This is not a conspiracy theory and I am not against progress in fact I am for progress. I BELIEVE that all Americans need coverage but do I think that it should just be given? NO! To those 21 and under yes! We need to develop again a sense for what is important, what it is to work for these things, work hard, just like those who came before us to establish our nation as the creme of the crop just as our grandparents did. We need innovation, new ideas, competition and a race to the highest rung on the world stage. This cant be done with government subsidies or mandates but by market forces which drive us to strive for something better, to squeeze that extra buck out of the smallest margins. My problem with universal healthcare has less to do with principle than it does with what it says about our change in core values and what it would do to our economy. Because yes in a perfect world everyone would be covered, but we dont live in a perfect world. Scores die every day from disease, famine, violence and hatred. I am happy to live in a land where I am free to fail or succeed by my own initiative to pull myself up by the bootstraps. Apathy and complacency will never have a place in the America I know and I hope the same goes for you.
Firstly the election results in Iran. This is what happens to a regime with so much contradiction and one that for some time has allowed a tyrant to increase his grip on power. The democratic process for electing the all but insubtantial office of President in Iran is totally contradictory to the basic premise of a Islamic Republic. Laws in that country which are predicated on maintaining Islamic order are completely undemocratic; restrictions on dress, speech, images etc. Today more than ever, after Ahmadanejads "landslide" victory these rules are being tightened as he believes that these "results" are an affimation of his policies. As I stated in an earlier post before the elections he gave his cronies the O.K. to fix election results if the need arose, which it might have. The EU, playing the role of appeasers once again have affirmed the election results without much resistence, the Obama White House has held off judgement and the foreign policy guru Biden has explicitely said he has grave concerns about the results but curiously reaffirmed the party line of engaging Iran at any costs.
If the demonstrations in the streets are any example as are the reports of news report blocking and open beatings of people exercising free speech Iran is tumbling down a path that could unravel a nation. I am not saying civil war as I believe that is highly unlikely but clashes reminicent of 1978 are very possible. Students as in the previous instance are the main catalyst for wanting change in the Iranian government. Putting nuclear ambitions aside Mr. Moussavi shows a clear break from the current status quo in Iran. I am not so sure that his platform aligns with that of the Ayatollah [the head honcho in Iran] which is why he seems apathetic to the clashes in the streets and was so quick to affirm Ahmadinejahds victory. The volitile situation in Iran at an increasingly volitile time for the Middle East peace process is very important. On a side note a very interesting report coming out of Tehran said that some of the secret police beating opposition supporters were actual Lebonese Hezbollah, keep an eye on that story!
The next story is supported by the drudgereport and also by politico the liberal blogosphere. The democrats at this point are either too big and therefore too much of a "catch all party" or some including members of his own party are realizing some of the large blunders that Obama is increasingly having. Not only does Obamacare not look like it will get the support it needs from his own party but also Democrats are beginning to look to run against democrats in not only local but national elections! This is an extreme break from the status quo. My focus is on his increasing inability to get all in his party on board for national healthcare. This afternoon Obama will take his case to his biggest opponents the AMA, and these are the guy who should know best! One step that Obama seems willing to support is protecting doctors against some of the frivilous malpractice suites that cost them millions every year...they are here to save lives and sometimes if they cant that doesnt mean that you can sue them!
In a recent post I stated that I support finding some way to cover all people 21 and under, either through the public sector or through subsidies which allow for private options. My gripes with total healthcare reform start with this. The GOVERNMENT wants to take over 1/6 of the American economy! 1/6! The largest economy in the world, 1/6 is bigger than a lot of countries. They say that they want efficiency but every person knows that with government oversight comes Red tape, inefficiency and lack of competition which breeds complacency. The private sector is our saving grace it is what broke us out of bondage. Today as i watched a movie I heard a pretty poinent quote "All the world's great civilizations have followed the same path. From bondage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy back to bondage. If we are to be the exception to history, then we must break the cycle, for those who do not remember the past are condemned top repeat it". Our forefathers broke us out of bondage to England, from "taxation without representation". They fought against big government and their hand dipping into our pockets. They fought for free markets, for choice, for open competition which bred this great country we have today. With the growth of government comes control, complacency, apathy which all lead to even more control or bondage. We have to learn from the past keep ourselves free. This is not a conspiracy theory and I am not against progress in fact I am for progress. I BELIEVE that all Americans need coverage but do I think that it should just be given? NO! To those 21 and under yes! We need to develop again a sense for what is important, what it is to work for these things, work hard, just like those who came before us to establish our nation as the creme of the crop just as our grandparents did. We need innovation, new ideas, competition and a race to the highest rung on the world stage. This cant be done with government subsidies or mandates but by market forces which drive us to strive for something better, to squeeze that extra buck out of the smallest margins. My problem with universal healthcare has less to do with principle than it does with what it says about our change in core values and what it would do to our economy. Because yes in a perfect world everyone would be covered, but we dont live in a perfect world. Scores die every day from disease, famine, violence and hatred. I am happy to live in a land where I am free to fail or succeed by my own initiative to pull myself up by the bootstraps. Apathy and complacency will never have a place in the America I know and I hope the same goes for you.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Healthcare Reform....
I interrupt what was to be a couple more postings on foreign relations to comment on the increasingly fervent talk about reforming health care. There are two polarizing sides of the health care debate, Ted Kennedy and Rusch Limbaugh. President Obama seems to be more heavily leaning toward the Ted Kennedy side of things. My questions are about how this affects our freedoms and ability to live freely in American, the way our forefathers believed. First problem with this plan is that today, with the economy in a free fall and Washington printing money like its going out of style how does Obama plan to pay for this. Along with paying for this why does he believe that now is the time to do this. There is a enormous deficit to be repayed and now is not a time for our country to fall deeper into debt. True to form Obama seems to have a solution to this, tax the top 5% of our ecnomy even more, and not allow for the same deep deductibles for this bracket. What has our free market economy thrived on for the past couple decades? Consumerism. This consumerism has been the basis for both our problems and our prosperity. The credit crisis was created because people wanted to buy too many things they couldnt afford and washington lowered interest rates so money was cheaper to buy than it was actually worth. On the flipside this consumerism has provided companies with bloated profits allowing for unprecendented growth both at home and abroad. We have become the shoppers of the world. How do we restore both growth and prosperity to the country without sending us into a tailspin of debt, inflation and subsequently conflict.
Healthcare reform is not the answer. My own qualms with universal healthcare put aside we have to realize that before Obama's social initiatives should be even drafted the economy needs to be stabilized and a coherent and transparent plan for solving the DEEP deficiet needs to be aggreed upon. Onto my specific concerns with universal or social healthcare [despite Obamas assertions that it is not social healthcare, yet many of his committees are based off of a British model; Britain meets the definition of social healthcare]. Universal healthcare with a government option will ultimately lead to the downfall of the majority of private healthcare. Other than the uber uber rich, hundreds of millions of dollars, there will be no where else to turn for the ordinary citizen. There will be a set formula with very little choice if any [think an expansion of medicare]. Isnt ththis against the natural tenants and democratic philosophy of the United States? I believe so. Without market competition in this instance for both the private and public sector there will be no market forces to lower costs or increase the quality of health care. The private companies that remain will only cater to a select few. Their costs will be astronomical with no competition to drive costs down and their services will be little if any better. The public plans will not encounter any compeition and will run just like all other government run programs. Miles and miles of red tape, long waits, lack of choice and controlling and restricting regulations that will finally pervade into our most personal of information - medical and personal choices. The long hand of the government will finally be able to ask us questions that they were not previously allowed to ask. Once they employ the doctors, nurses, oncologists, pediatricians and etc. their reach will be ever extended. This doesnt sound to appealing to me.
Obama used the example of fat people and once the government has a healthcare plan having those people lose weight so that they dont develop diabetes and become a drain on the healthcare system with a chronic illness. President Obama I say this to you, NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WANTS DIABETES. But yes there are some people out there without enough common sense to do anything about their weight, but that is their fault. We have to, under the law provide them with help when they need it and they are covered under government health benefits. But look at the state of Californias economy, they are months away from defaulting. They have the most expansive and expensive social programs in the country. They pay for everyone including people who are here illegally. Why should we pay for deadbeats and people who just dont work. I understand that there are people out there who work 3 jobs and still cant make ends meet and we need to find a way to rectify that situation but I believe that their numbers are overstated.
One group who we do need to find a way to ensure are children. There is a vast number of uninsured children in the system. 80% of healthcare costs are for chronic preventable things 20% of this number are chronic chronic, now what age group do you believe that is in? They are mostly the elderly. Maybe we should focus on spending a little less on elderly healthcare and a bit more on providing healthcare to children and uninsured veterans [people who risked their lives for our freedom, the freedoms which are now under threat again]. Kids who are covered under some sort of plan should be required to work at the age of 16 and contribute into the tax pool to help pay for their own free health care up until 21. This will give them work experience and get them in good environments setting themselves up for success. The private sector should be able to cover elderly care and elderly care should be more focused on prevention rather than solutions if you get what I am saying. Back to those who are caught in between. I am from Mass the state which is just rife with swindlers cheats liars and all those who are covered by the long arm of the Mass establishment. People are not honest which makes me wonder about all these uninsured.
Nothing should be free, welfare is a tragedy as it rewards many for being sloth's. Healthcare cannot follow in these footsteps. Why should my parents or me when I get into the real workforce pay for both my private and good working healthcare and then pay also for some deadbeats, I just dont get it. The problems for me with universal health care other than the ones stated above. The waits, the restrictions on care and malaise of working for the government. Today the best of the best are attracted to high paying doctoral jobs. Tomorrow with universal healthcare just like with CEO salaries these will be capped, what does that mean for the influx of minds to now a government job? It will stop healthcare will suffer. Us all on the same plan, the red tape, the covering of asses the restriciotions questions and no competition? LONG WAIT TIMES, LONG WAITS FOR APPOINTMENTS, UNINTERESTED UNRESPONSIVE PHYSICIANS. People come to the United States to recieve health care, you walk into Mass General or the world class Mayo Clinic, all private hospitals with no government interference and you see people from all over the world. People who in Britain or Cananda or France would have to wait months for a procedure they can get in weeks here. It is unappealing to me.
Ultimately the question lies in our basic principals as a nation. The only things that we should be forced to do for the federal government are listed right there in the US consitution [including not paying an income tax but thats for another time]. Healthcare is for us to decide on, yes all should have it in a perfect world, but we dont live in one. Some people will always skimp out and some will always complain. The current system now serves most Americans much better than the rest of the world despite UN or WHO rankings. Our hospitals are the best, both in care and in innovations. The government likes a sure thing, the government likes to know whats going on and have control. This is another form, this will get them more money. Ultimately my biggest problem lies in this the 10th amendment. Healthcare is NOT for the FEDERAL government. I didnt gripe when my own state passed a increasingly failing mandate on health insurance, because it was within the right of my state. You will hear otherwise from me because ultimately this is unconsitutitonal.
Healthcare reform is not the answer. My own qualms with universal healthcare put aside we have to realize that before Obama's social initiatives should be even drafted the economy needs to be stabilized and a coherent and transparent plan for solving the DEEP deficiet needs to be aggreed upon. Onto my specific concerns with universal or social healthcare [despite Obamas assertions that it is not social healthcare, yet many of his committees are based off of a British model; Britain meets the definition of social healthcare]. Universal healthcare with a government option will ultimately lead to the downfall of the majority of private healthcare. Other than the uber uber rich, hundreds of millions of dollars, there will be no where else to turn for the ordinary citizen. There will be a set formula with very little choice if any [think an expansion of medicare]. Isnt ththis against the natural tenants and democratic philosophy of the United States? I believe so. Without market competition in this instance for both the private and public sector there will be no market forces to lower costs or increase the quality of health care. The private companies that remain will only cater to a select few. Their costs will be astronomical with no competition to drive costs down and their services will be little if any better. The public plans will not encounter any compeition and will run just like all other government run programs. Miles and miles of red tape, long waits, lack of choice and controlling and restricting regulations that will finally pervade into our most personal of information - medical and personal choices. The long hand of the government will finally be able to ask us questions that they were not previously allowed to ask. Once they employ the doctors, nurses, oncologists, pediatricians and etc. their reach will be ever extended. This doesnt sound to appealing to me.
Obama used the example of fat people and once the government has a healthcare plan having those people lose weight so that they dont develop diabetes and become a drain on the healthcare system with a chronic illness. President Obama I say this to you, NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WANTS DIABETES. But yes there are some people out there without enough common sense to do anything about their weight, but that is their fault. We have to, under the law provide them with help when they need it and they are covered under government health benefits. But look at the state of Californias economy, they are months away from defaulting. They have the most expansive and expensive social programs in the country. They pay for everyone including people who are here illegally. Why should we pay for deadbeats and people who just dont work. I understand that there are people out there who work 3 jobs and still cant make ends meet and we need to find a way to rectify that situation but I believe that their numbers are overstated.
One group who we do need to find a way to ensure are children. There is a vast number of uninsured children in the system. 80% of healthcare costs are for chronic preventable things 20% of this number are chronic chronic, now what age group do you believe that is in? They are mostly the elderly. Maybe we should focus on spending a little less on elderly healthcare and a bit more on providing healthcare to children and uninsured veterans [people who risked their lives for our freedom, the freedoms which are now under threat again]. Kids who are covered under some sort of plan should be required to work at the age of 16 and contribute into the tax pool to help pay for their own free health care up until 21. This will give them work experience and get them in good environments setting themselves up for success. The private sector should be able to cover elderly care and elderly care should be more focused on prevention rather than solutions if you get what I am saying. Back to those who are caught in between. I am from Mass the state which is just rife with swindlers cheats liars and all those who are covered by the long arm of the Mass establishment. People are not honest which makes me wonder about all these uninsured.
Nothing should be free, welfare is a tragedy as it rewards many for being sloth's. Healthcare cannot follow in these footsteps. Why should my parents or me when I get into the real workforce pay for both my private and good working healthcare and then pay also for some deadbeats, I just dont get it. The problems for me with universal health care other than the ones stated above. The waits, the restrictions on care and malaise of working for the government. Today the best of the best are attracted to high paying doctoral jobs. Tomorrow with universal healthcare just like with CEO salaries these will be capped, what does that mean for the influx of minds to now a government job? It will stop healthcare will suffer. Us all on the same plan, the red tape, the covering of asses the restriciotions questions and no competition? LONG WAIT TIMES, LONG WAITS FOR APPOINTMENTS, UNINTERESTED UNRESPONSIVE PHYSICIANS. People come to the United States to recieve health care, you walk into Mass General or the world class Mayo Clinic, all private hospitals with no government interference and you see people from all over the world. People who in Britain or Cananda or France would have to wait months for a procedure they can get in weeks here. It is unappealing to me.
Ultimately the question lies in our basic principals as a nation. The only things that we should be forced to do for the federal government are listed right there in the US consitution [including not paying an income tax but thats for another time]. Healthcare is for us to decide on, yes all should have it in a perfect world, but we dont live in one. Some people will always skimp out and some will always complain. The current system now serves most Americans much better than the rest of the world despite UN or WHO rankings. Our hospitals are the best, both in care and in innovations. The government likes a sure thing, the government likes to know whats going on and have control. This is another form, this will get them more money. Ultimately my biggest problem lies in this the 10th amendment. Healthcare is NOT for the FEDERAL government. I didnt gripe when my own state passed a increasingly failing mandate on health insurance, because it was within the right of my state. You will hear otherwise from me because ultimately this is unconsitutitonal.
10th Ammendment,
Federal Budget,
Health Care,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Obamas Foreign Policy
Since Obama has been in office for close to 6 months now I feel it is finally O.K. to say that his foreign policy is coming into form. Before his foreign policy was just a bunch of words but with the number of trips Secretary of State Clinton has made and after Obamas recent trip to the Middle East and Europe I believe now is an appropriate time to comment on his foreign policy as we have started to see action. I believe that this, after the economy is the most important issue facing the United States.
Today we face, in my time, unprecedented hostilities from around the world. As those around the world believe that our standing and resolve is weakening, they have begun to ramp up their rhetoric against us and also their willingness to defy some commonly held beliefs between democratic freedom loving nations. These countries include most notoriously North Korea and Iran but more covertly Russia, China, Venezuela and the renegades in Mexico not associated with the government. Obviously there are more examples especially in South Eastern Asia and Southern and Central America but these are the countries that come to mind.
On the issue of North Korea they have consistently tried to provoke the international community. Most recently they have directly challenged the United States by detaining and subjecting American citizens to a concentration camp style labor camp. What has been Obamas response? can this be? The headlines in the paper are "Obama urges North Korea to release prisoners" "Secretary Clinton threatens putting North Korea back on the state sponsors of terror list". Why was this carrot even offered in the first place by the last administration, it is not like they suddenly stopped sponsoring terror or even terrorizing their neighbor Japan constantly. Democrats and Republicans policies alike have all failed on North Korea. From day one we have not known how to deal with this "rougue regime". Carrots have failed and force has failed with China backing them up on most occasions. My solution, extradite the prisoners anyway possible, i.e. special ops, navy seals and isolate the regime more. See who blinks first the South Koreans and our thousands of troops will continue to live in fear unless something is done. If they decide they want a fight let them be the ones to start it and then do what we do best...bring freedom to an oppressed people.
Iran is part of a bigger problem. The Middle East is a mess predicated on racism and age old hates. Actually Iran, like Lebanon just did seems to be close to sorting itself out. The nation has allowed for limited democratic freedoms which were heartwarmingly displayed a couple days ago in the streets of Tehran with freedom of speech and demonstration. The scary reports are though that Ahmadinejad has told his directors of elections that they have the go-ahead to rig the elections in his favor. Commenting on this situation until the elections are over is pointless but heres the deal. If Ahmadinejad wins Obamas plan of diplomacy will not work as his and others idea of a Uranium database. He is too unstable and loves his populist image as much as his own image in the mirror to ever lower himself to negotiating away his largest bargaining piece. If his opponent, the reformist wins all bets are off and Obama and Secretary Clinton just might succeed. He seems willing and embarrassed by the past couple years of relations between our two nations and he is a ray of hope. In terms of the larger Middle East no movement will be made until Netenyahu and the Israeli people feel completely secure. 3 Hamas horses marching toward the Gaza border this week loaded with explosives will not expedite this process. Yet Lebanons democratic victory this week will lessen the pressure Israel feels from its norther border and will allow their government to focus more on the Palestinian issue. The only resolution lies in a two state solution, which was first rejected by the Palestinians when they had the chance and now is less hopefull with a Netenyahu led government. The crux of the problem is the Palestinians accepting that ultimately Israel has the right to exist, without this there will be no more peace and no more bloodshed.
Obamas stance on the Palestinian Israeli conflict has been confusing at best. He seems, just as most things do with our current President, to be comepletely politically motivated. First he makes a some would say controvertial speech in Egypt, citing what he called our overreaction to the tragic events of 9/11 and then likening the Palestinians plight to that of African slaves. Too rectify this he visited Buchenwald concentration camp after which his controvertial comments seemed to melt away. Either way harping on this is no use, he confirmed the US's unwavering committment to the state of Israel and also reaffirmed that we have common interests. Yet he demanded that Israel stop settlements and agree to a two state solution. He also criticized the Palestinians citing some of their and their Arab counterparts accusations and comments as racist and that they had no place in todays world. He spoke in generalities and offered no real concrete solutions just the same as past presidents. Thank God he didnt try and pull a Jimmy Carter on us. Here his foreign policy seems to be muddled other than trying to reign in the hawkish new Netenyahu government while denouncing the Palestinians but also supporting their wishes for a state. Israel for the time being can still feel safe in the fact that the United States will not stop supporting their biggest ally in the region but the rhetoric seems to have softened. I have no solution just like the rest of the world other than cooperation on both sides. Yet the violence must stop against innocent civilians and the Israelis must feel secure enough to embark on the path towards peace.
That is all for now, more on the rest of his foreign policy soon.
P.S. David Ortiz may just be coming back into form....Go Sox!
Today we face, in my time, unprecedented hostilities from around the world. As those around the world believe that our standing and resolve is weakening, they have begun to ramp up their rhetoric against us and also their willingness to defy some commonly held beliefs between democratic freedom loving nations. These countries include most notoriously North Korea and Iran but more covertly Russia, China, Venezuela and the renegades in Mexico not associated with the government. Obviously there are more examples especially in South Eastern Asia and Southern and Central America but these are the countries that come to mind.
On the issue of North Korea they have consistently tried to provoke the international community. Most recently they have directly challenged the United States by detaining and subjecting American citizens to a concentration camp style labor camp. What has been Obamas response? can this be? The headlines in the paper are "Obama urges North Korea to release prisoners" "Secretary Clinton threatens putting North Korea back on the state sponsors of terror list". Why was this carrot even offered in the first place by the last administration, it is not like they suddenly stopped sponsoring terror or even terrorizing their neighbor Japan constantly. Democrats and Republicans policies alike have all failed on North Korea. From day one we have not known how to deal with this "rougue regime". Carrots have failed and force has failed with China backing them up on most occasions. My solution, extradite the prisoners anyway possible, i.e. special ops, navy seals and isolate the regime more. See who blinks first the South Koreans and our thousands of troops will continue to live in fear unless something is done. If they decide they want a fight let them be the ones to start it and then do what we do best...bring freedom to an oppressed people.
Iran is part of a bigger problem. The Middle East is a mess predicated on racism and age old hates. Actually Iran, like Lebanon just did seems to be close to sorting itself out. The nation has allowed for limited democratic freedoms which were heartwarmingly displayed a couple days ago in the streets of Tehran with freedom of speech and demonstration. The scary reports are though that Ahmadinejad has told his directors of elections that they have the go-ahead to rig the elections in his favor. Commenting on this situation until the elections are over is pointless but heres the deal. If Ahmadinejad wins Obamas plan of diplomacy will not work as his and others idea of a Uranium database. He is too unstable and loves his populist image as much as his own image in the mirror to ever lower himself to negotiating away his largest bargaining piece. If his opponent, the reformist wins all bets are off and Obama and Secretary Clinton just might succeed. He seems willing and embarrassed by the past couple years of relations between our two nations and he is a ray of hope. In terms of the larger Middle East no movement will be made until Netenyahu and the Israeli people feel completely secure. 3 Hamas horses marching toward the Gaza border this week loaded with explosives will not expedite this process. Yet Lebanons democratic victory this week will lessen the pressure Israel feels from its norther border and will allow their government to focus more on the Palestinian issue. The only resolution lies in a two state solution, which was first rejected by the Palestinians when they had the chance and now is less hopefull with a Netenyahu led government. The crux of the problem is the Palestinians accepting that ultimately Israel has the right to exist, without this there will be no more peace and no more bloodshed.
Obamas stance on the Palestinian Israeli conflict has been confusing at best. He seems, just as most things do with our current President, to be comepletely politically motivated. First he makes a some would say controvertial speech in Egypt, citing what he called our overreaction to the tragic events of 9/11 and then likening the Palestinians plight to that of African slaves. Too rectify this he visited Buchenwald concentration camp after which his controvertial comments seemed to melt away. Either way harping on this is no use, he confirmed the US's unwavering committment to the state of Israel and also reaffirmed that we have common interests. Yet he demanded that Israel stop settlements and agree to a two state solution. He also criticized the Palestinians citing some of their and their Arab counterparts accusations and comments as racist and that they had no place in todays world. He spoke in generalities and offered no real concrete solutions just the same as past presidents. Thank God he didnt try and pull a Jimmy Carter on us. Here his foreign policy seems to be muddled other than trying to reign in the hawkish new Netenyahu government while denouncing the Palestinians but also supporting their wishes for a state. Israel for the time being can still feel safe in the fact that the United States will not stop supporting their biggest ally in the region but the rhetoric seems to have softened. I have no solution just like the rest of the world other than cooperation on both sides. Yet the violence must stop against innocent civilians and the Israelis must feel secure enough to embark on the path towards peace.
That is all for now, more on the rest of his foreign policy soon.
P.S. David Ortiz may just be coming back into form....Go Sox!
David Ortiz,
Foreign Relations,
International Relations,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
And So it Begins...
I have been contemplating starting a blog for some time now and finally gave in. I find it only fitting to start my first blog post, which just so happens to be on the 60th anniversary of D-day, with thoughts on the historic event. In times such as these, times of war, it is pertinent to reflect on the sacrifices those have made to get us to this point in time. Today, especially among my generation I believe that there is a general apathy or ignorance for the sacrifices that are made for love of country and freedom. Including myself I believe that this stems from a distance that we have been fortunate to have from war and real dangers threatening the freedoms that we take for granted in this country. On D-day heroic men, the same age as me, from Canada Britain and the United States marched into the face of imminent death without reproach. Bombarded with stories today none stood out in my mind because each individual story was in itself so intensely heroic and special. These sacrifices were not made because of choice, like recent wars, and their purpose was not questioned. These men entered battle because they had no choice, without their sacrifice evil would flourish. Wars of choice have lacked this sort of urgency, Korea, Vietnam and both Iraq wars lacked this common cause back home. In no way am I demeaning the sacrifices made in each of these wars, nor am I saying anything against their purpose yet I am trying to distinguish the qualities which made WWII and specifically D-day so intense and monumental. A 60% mortality rate only on Omaha beach made death more than probable and these figures were most certainly predicted and known by the soldiers before hand. They did not falter they marched onward like good soldiers had before and have since. Brave and steadfast they eventually caused the concrete walls of evil to crumble. What the French could not do for their own country the British, Canadians and Americans had to do for them, beat back an injust and evil idea. Some never left that beach and some were fortunate enough to push on, moving swiftly and with purpose eventually realizing the full horrors of Nazi Germany. All could have been avoided had Europe and America taken the threat of Germany more seriously, but we did not and it is no use to look back. It has been moving in the past few days to hear the words of those who were there. Elie Weizel, Uncle Johnny and members of the units who stormed the beaches at Normandy. It made me wonder about my generation, they had their definining moments. The 50's had Leave It to Beaver and the Brady Bunch and the Korean War. The 60's had drugs and rock and roll, JFK and Vietnam. The 70's however mundane they seemed had a somewhat awakening of the inner conscious, the Cold War and Vietnam. The 80's had leg warmers, cocaine and the fall of Communism. The 90's had ripped jeans, prosperity and Bill Clinton. I have grown up in a time of unbridled prosperity and innovation. Things I now come to expect as creature comforts were worked hard for or didnt even exist 10 or even 5 years ago. We lack a respect for many things and I believe that this includes our freedoms and way of life. These are things that I have never had to fight for, I have not had to put my life on the line for. The foundations of our country, our way of life, today I believe in our complacency my generation has forgotten the central tenants to our way of life. Today as always they are being challenged, the same things that these men on the beaches of Normandy fought for. To them they were being challenged from outside, Facism, Communism these were the foes. Today the enemies are less pronounced, there is no iron curtain or Berlin Wall, today it is more covert and even comes from our congress and our president. Enemies from outside want to tear us apart from within and with fear. If I could choose one word to describe our feelings from those who challenege us today it is fear. We are fearful of alienating the world, fearful of offending someone, we are fearful that our bus on the way to work will combust because someone on the bus hates our freedoms. What scares me is the way people have become sheep today, following the word of one man without thinking things through. I have no agenda in this post today other than to provoke thought. A thought about what it means to have the freedoms that we have, a thought to not be fearful but resolute and tough. We are no moral compass to the world we are only beholden to our own convictions as a people and as a country. Apologizing for protecting ourselves and reacting to the first attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor is wrong. Think about the life you lead, the size of your bank account now and the great freedoms we have been afforded by those who fell in the name of freedom on the beaches of Normandy, the hills of Korea, the Jungles of Vietnam and the deserts of the Middle East. Think about those around the world who try to emulate and espouse the same ideas and moral convictions that we ourselves have come to take for granted. We should be fearful of quick fixes and fearful of shepards. While quick action is always the best it should only be done after intense thought deliberation and input from all qualified. Someone once said "we now stand at the precipice of history" and that cannot be more true than right now. The state of the world is at a tipping point and all I ask is for you to be thoughtful of those things which aim to change it, irresponsibly.
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